
Monday, May 2, 2011

What a journey it has been

I was straightly looking at the traced by the three-wheeled vehicle I am riding.

My eyes were focused at the road but my mind was in full reverie.

As the trip goes on, one thing catches my attention – a mystic creature rode in.

I was bewildered not by his tawny complexion but by his way of riding on and his gestures as well.

I stared at him while he was busily fixing himself.

At first I was afraid, but not petrified.

As the engine starts again, I kept myself calm trying to bear the situation.

He never laid his eyes on me and I never took my stare from him.

I admired his very being: his perfectly built body, eyes full of tame, his fully brushed hair – every detail was perfect.

I was in the midst of that silly thought when a very shocking moment happened.

He fell, not asleep but outside the tricycle!

The side-wheel tire rolled over his slim body.

Alarmed yet smiling, I look behind.

I assumed he lost his consciousness but unbelievable, he rapidly stood up as if nothing happened.

He then ran towards the tricycle and settled himself again which made me and the other passengers laugh as loud as we could unlike him who is still really serious.

Still having that great smile on my lips, I’ve reached my destination while his journey with his owner goes on.

‘Till at this very moment, I am still laughing, amazed, and puzzled whenever I remember what happened.

But one thing is for sure…

-that Dog was really wonderful!

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